Your pack contains a canteen, a lunchbox, a sleeping bag, and any treasures you may have picked up.
One of your ancestors brought this sword home from some war or other. You’ve polished it up a bit.
The rope has a grapnel hook attached to one end, so you can use it for climbing.
The shoes are made of soft red hand-tooled leather, fit for a Sultan’s feet—but not for yours.
The sweets are wrapped in heavy paper so as not to dribble too much sugar syrup, and are securely tied with string.
The pastry is redolent with butter, honey, nuts and cardamom. It will be much more filling than its size suggests.
The chickpeas are stuffed into a paper cone, and emit a tantalizing aroma.
The bird has been roasted whole, and is stuffed with nuts and dried fruit.
The cloak makes you unnoticeable to most eyes. You can still move about freely and use objects in your pack, but you will not be able to interact with people, or manipulate most objects in the outside world.
You found this pile of clothes in the bathhouse. They’re just old enough to make the wearer perfectly unobtrusive.
The keys probably open every door in the north wing of the Palace, including some you’d better leave alone.
The note is from Jake, addressed to you. Feel free to read it at any time.
The manual gives instructions for operating a flying carpet. Feel free to read it at any time.
The contract spells out the terms and conditions under which the lamp genie grants wishes.
You can read it any time you like.
The lamp is old, dented and tarnished. It must have pretty much outlived its practical life.
The bottle is made of plain clay. It is securely corked, although it seems to be empty.
The carpet is neatly rolled up, pile inward. It’s much lighter than you’d think.
The ring is made of solid gold, with fine detailing but no stones.
The flute is made of silver with gold detailing, and has a beautiful tone.
You haven’t been able to get this little chest open, but it feels pleasantly heavy.
The new lamp is made of brass and silver. It seems more valuable than something a street peddler would sell.
The necklace is made of heavy gold, but the red and green stones don’t seem to be anything but glass beads.
You can take a closer look at it any time you like.
The chess board is made of several kinds of wood. The pieces are of semi-precious stone with details picked out in precious stones.
You can take a closer look at it any time you like.
The diamonds are roughly cut, with just enough faceting to leave no doubt about what they are.
Each earring features a colossal pearl, measurable in cm rather than mm.
The gold riyals jingle appealingly at the bottom of your pack.
If you run out of dirhams, you can spend a silver dinar instead… but you won’t need to spend many.
The silk is cobweb-light and shimmers in a rainbow of colors. It takes up almost no space in your pack.
The wine flagon is made of brass with enameled inlay work. It will look right at home on your shelf or table.